Solutions to Uninstall DYMO Label v.8 in Windows & Program Info
On this page you can find different solutions to correctly uninstall DYMO Label v.8. If you’d like to know more about what this program is and how it works on your PC, read the following description.
To install DYMO Label software, you need to log in with an account that has the Administrator rights. However, you can use the software while logged in with an account that only has Limited rights.
The DYMO Label version 8 has a First Run wizard that can import your Version 7 preferences and Address Book. Your Label File Folder settings are imported as a part of this process. When you open label files in DYMO Label v.8, the File Open dialog box points to your default Version 7 label files folder. Here is a specific user guide you can read.
And to uninstall DYMO Label v.8, the following tutorials will be helpful.
How to Uninstall DYMO Label v.8 in Windows 8/10 (Start Screen)
1. In the bottom-left of your screen, click the Start button, and click the down arrow to view the Apps screens.
2. Right-click DYMO Label v.8 on the Apps screen, and select Uninstall in the bottom. You will be bought to the list of currently installed programs.
3. In the list, locate & double-click DYMO Label v.8 or click the Uninstall above to activate its built-in uninstaller. If there is any on-screen prompts, just follow them to proceed and confirm the removal.
4. You can choose to automatically restart the computer right now, or do it later.
5. Press and hold the Windows key + C on your keyboard to open the Charms bar > Select Search > Enter “regedit” in the box to open the Windows Registry Editor.
6. Delete these two folders if found:
7. Click Edit > Find… > Enter “DYMO” in the box to search for the related remaining files, then delete the remaining (if found) to completely uninstall DYMO Label v.8.
8. Restart your computer if you haven’t done that in Step 4.
How to Uninstall DYMO Label v.8 in Windows 10 (Start Menu)
1. Access the unique Start menu of Windows 10 by going to Start > Settings > System.
2. Click Apps & Features on the left to see the programs list.
3. Select DYMO Label v.8 in the list of programs.
4. Click Uninstall > Uninstall. If there is any on-screen prompts, just follow them to proceed and confirm the removal.
5. You can choose to automatically restart the computer right now, or do it later.
6. In Search, enter “regedit.”
7. Delete these two folders if found:
8. Click Edit > Find… >Enter “DYMO” in the box to search for the related remaining files, then delete the remaining (if found) to completely uninstall DYMO Label v.8.
9. Restart your computer if you haven’t done that in Step 5.
Easily Uninstall DYMO Label v.8 with Max Uninstaller
1. Click on the download button here to install Max Uninstaller.
2. Run it > Select the DYMO Label v.8 icon > press Run Analysis to completely scan all the related files > Tick all the items displayed > press Complete Uninstall.
3. It will tell you, “Please wait while it initializes the uninstall process”. After that, press Scan Leftovers > Tick all the items displayed > press Delete Leftovers to completely uninstall DYMO Label v.8.
This short video will help you quickly understand the process:
Improve Your PC Performance – Limit How Many Programs Run at Startup
Most utilities are designed to automatically start when Windows loads. Publishers always set their products to run in the background, where you may not see them running, so that they can open right away when you click the icons. That’s truly user-friendly for programs you use very often, however, for those you seldom use or never plan to use, this wastes precious system resources and slows down your PC performance, for example, it takes long to finish starting up. You shall decide for yourself whether you want the program to run at startup.
But how can you possibly know what programs will automatically open at startup? Sometimes this could be obvious, because the program ads an icon to the notification area on the taskbar (system tray), where you can see it running. Check there to know whether there is any programs running that you didn’t play to run it. Point to each icon to get the program name, and be sure to click the Show hidden icons button so you won’t miss any of them.
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