Can’t Uninstall QuickTime? How to Uninstall /Remove QuickTime Thoroughly
QuickTime is media player developed by Apple Inc. This program is able to play various popular formats of digital video, picture, images, etc. Currently, QuickTime is available on both Windows and Mac platform.
QuickTime player can be installed individually on the computer, it also comes with the installation of Apple iTunes. Normally you can uninstall QuickTime by using the Add/Remove program of Windows, but there are cases this method won’t work as you continually getting some sort of 1605 uninstall error message when trying to perform the removal, some users also experienced problems like the uninstall wizard won’t respond or disappear suddenly before they can do a thing. If you are troubled with getting rid of this program, please refer to the below provided instruction to thoroughly uninstall QuickTime.
Uninstall QuickTime automatically
For an easier and faster solution to uninstall QuickTime, we recommend you to use Max Uninstaller, a professional software uninstaller to solve any uninstall problem you may experience. For example, if you encountered problems/errors when you uninstall QuickTime in the Add/Remove program, using Max Uninstaller could avoid those errors and help you to remove it and all the associated files/registry/extensions completely. Sounds too easy to believe? Just watch the below demo video and follow the instruction to proceed:
Uninstall QuickTime with Max Uninstaller – Video demonstration
Step1: Click here to free download Max Uninstaller, and then install it in your computer.
Step2: Launch Max Uninstaller, select QuickTime in the right hand list. Press “Run Analysis”
Step3: Max Uninstaller will review uninstall program files and associated registry entries. Click “Complete Uninstall” to start the program uninstall process. Click “Yes” to start uninstalling QuickTime.
Step4: Wait for the standard QuickTime uninstall completed. Click “Scan Leftovers”, and Max Uninstaller will conduct a full scan on your computer for a while.
Step5: When it finish scanning, click “Delete Leftovers” and “Yes” button to thoroughly uninstall QuickTime and its leftovers.
Step6: Max Uninstaller has now fully uninstalled QuickTime related files and extensions. Click “OK” to finish.
Congratulation! QuickTime is completely gone from your computer now!
How can I manually uninstall QuickTime
If you prefer to uninstall QuickTime manually by your won without using any third party program, the below instruction could help you. But please keep in mind that the manual solution of uninstalling QuickTime is a bit complicated and risky in some parts, the use of the instruction is on your own risk.
Step1: if QuickTime is currently running on your system, close it. You can open Windows task manager by pressing “Alt + Ctrl + Del” on your keyboard, then go to the “Process” tab check for if the QuickTimePlayer.exe is on the list, if found, highlight it and click the End Process button on the Task Manager.
Step2: Delete QuickTime installation folder & files
- Double click to open My Computer.
- Navigate to the drive where the QuickTime was installed within.
- Locate the folder of QuickTime
- Right click on this folder and select Delete
- Again, go to the folder of C:\Windows\system32\.
- Find out and delete these two files: QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx.
- Back to the desktop to empty the Windows recycle bin to completely delete the QuickTime folder and files.
Step3: Remove QuickTime registry leftovers
Every program you installed in the computer would create records in the registry, QuickTime is no different. To completely uninstall QuickTime, you need to delete those registry data as well. See the steps as below:
- Click Start > Run
- Type “regedit” in the run commend box and click OK button
- Once you open Registry Editor, go to File > Export to create a backup copy of registry first.
- After you finish the backup, click the “+” button navigate the registry tree branch to locate the below QuickTime related registry keys.
- Right click on those keys and select Delete
- Close registry editor and restart your computer
Note: Do make sure to backup the registry before any registry modification. In case you experienced troubles during the registry operation, for example a wrong key got deleted, you can use the backup to restore the registry to previous status to fix the problem. Keep in mind that registry editing is risks involved, if you are not ready, or don’t have enough knowledge to do so, we still recommend you to us Max Uninstaller to completely and safely uninstall QuickTime from your system.
You Should Remove the File Folders of Quick Time As Below
Apple Computer, file folder, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data, 5.38 KB (5,514 bytes)
Apple, an empty file folder, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data, PLIST File, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime, 217 bytes (217 bytes)
QuickTime.qtp, QTP File, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\QuickTime, 9.13 KB (9,356 bytes), 8.24 KB (8,440 bytes), 84.4 KB (86,482 bytes)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{525609F4-D232-11D0-B76F-00C04FC9BCC4}, Default – AppleTalk Configuration Notify Object
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{962FFCF3-965F-11D0-A881-00C04FC99C9C}, Default – AppleTalk Configuration Notify Object
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Interface\{F7C10EC0-A4D9-11D2-B724-00104BC51339}, Default – IAppletSessionNotify
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple Computer, Inc., Default
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Apple Inc., Default
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Direct3D\MostRecentApplication, name – QuickTimePlayer.exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Keyboard\Native Media Players\QuickTime Player, AppName – QuickTim; ExePath – C:\Program Files\QuickTime
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