How to Uninstall DriverMax and Its Components – Tutorial
DriverMax is a program to help you scan out outdated drivers inside your computer, and offers relative driver download and installation instruction, thus keep all computer drivers up-to-date. DriverMax is an easy-to-installed and used program but yet it is also a troublesome one when comes to uninstall issue.
The proper steps to uninstall DriverMax completely
Uninstalling a program from add/remove program of Windows is a common uninstall solution that many computer users are familiar with, actually it is only halfway right, Add/Remove program can only help you remove part of the DriverMax program, for files and folders left behind the system, you need to manually remove them to ensure a complete removal. You can follow the below steps to perform the removal manually.
Part 1: Close DriverMax if it is on.
Check out if there are icon of DriverMax in the system tray (refer to the below screen shot) , if found, right click on it, and then select Exit option in the menu.
Part 2: Remove DriverMax from Add/Remove program
- Go to Start menu > Control Panel > Add/Remove program
- Find out DriverMax in the Add/Remove program list and click the Remove button.
- You will see a message pop-up asking you that “are you sure you want to remove DriverMax and all of its components?”, click Yes to confirm the action.
- A few seconds later the removal will be finished, Click OK in the pop-up message.
AVG Security Toolbar usually comes with DriverMax installation as an default installation option. If you didn’t uncheck it during the installation, AVG Security Toolbar will be installed in your computer as well. And you can also remove this toolbar from Add/Remove program. Before the removal, do remember to turn off the web browser first.
- Spot AVG Security Toolbar in the Add/Remove program.
- Click Remove button behind.
- In the pop-up uninstall wizard, select the second option of “Remove AVG Toolbar and AVG Security Search’ and then click Next.
- Click Done after the removal finished.
Part 3: Delete leftovers
- Open My Computer.
- Navigate to drive that you install DriverMax.
- Right click the folder of ‘ComPlus Applications’
- Empty Windows Recycle Bin.
- Go to Start > Run
- Type in ‘regedit’ and hit OK to open Registry Editor.
- Expend the registry branch tree and locate the below entries folders
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Innovative Solutions
- Delete these two entries folders.
- Turn off registry editor and reboot the computer.
Note: if you have no experience of deleting entry or modifying the registry, to avoid possible damage caused by mistaken registry operation. If you have no confident to do it yourselves, you can also apply third party software uninstaller like Max Uninstaller to help you uninstall DriverMax completely and automatically.
Easier and safer solution to remove DriverMax
Max Uninstaller is the program we would like to recommend to you, it has been proved to be the most convenient solution to uninstall any type of Windows software/application/games. Does the above uninstall steps sound a bit complicated for you? Why not use Max Uninstaller to help you uninstall DriverMax within clicks.
5 simple steps to completely remove DriverMax
- Download Max Uninstaller here and install it in your computer.
- Open Max Uninstaller and select DriverMax in the panel, click ‘Run Analysis’ button.
- Click ‘Complete Uninstall’ button after all the program components are scanned out
- Click ‘Scan Leftovers’ button to allow Max Uninstaller will conduct a full scan on your computer for program leftover.
- Click ‘Delete Leftovers’ after the scan to remove all the found DriverMax leftovers.
- Click ‘OK’ button in the pop-up message when the uninstall process is finished.
Still unfamiliar with the process? Check out the video demonstration below
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