Instructions of How to Uninstall TwonkyMedia Manager From Your Laptop and Desktop
TwonkyMedia Manager program description
TwonkyMedia Manager by PacketVideo, is program that helps you manage media file of your computer, you can organize your video, image, audio file easily with TwonkyMedia Manager just like using iTunes.
Install & uninstall
There will be no difficulty to install TwonkyMedia Manager, however, if you want to uninstall this program completely, more need to be done than just using the program’s default. If you encountered problem when trying to uninstall TwonkyMedia Manager, or don’t know how to uninstall it completely, you may refer to the below instruction.
Uninstall TwonkyMedia Manager manually
First Part
- Click Start button, go to Windows Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program under the Program category.
- If TwonkyMedia Manager was installed correctly, you will be able to locate it in the programs and features list. Simply right click on the program name and click Uninstall.
- Click Uninstall button in the appear uninstall wizard to start the removal.
- Wait a few second to allow it finish uninstalling.
- Click Finish to end the process.
Second part
- Click the Start button, type in regedit in the search blank and press Enter to open Registry Editor.
- Click the ‘>’ sign to expend and navigate the registry branch tree.
- Locate this key : HKLM|SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TwonkyManager
- Right click to delete it.
- Close registry editor and restart the computer.
Easier way to uninstall TwonkyMedia Manager completely
Like many other software, TwonkyMedia Manager will not be uninstalled completely by its default uninstall wizard, you need search and delete the leftovers in the hard drive and registry by yourselves, which is tedious and time-wasting, also dangerous for those who don’t know how to use Registry Editor. luckily there is an easier way to do the removal completely and automatically, which is using professional uninstaller software – Max Uninstaller. It helps you uninstall TwonkyMedia Manager automatically within clicks and leaving absolute no leftovers.
See how it works
6 Easy removal steps
- Download Max Uninstaller, install it in your computer with ease.
- Launch MU, select TwonkyMedia Manager in program list and click ‘Run Analysis’ button.
- After its done, click ‘Complete Uninstall’to start the default removal.
- Once the default removal is finished, click ‘Scan Leftovers’ button allow Max Uninstaller to scan over your computer and find out all the remains of TwonkyMedia Manager.
- Click ‘Delete Leftovers’to remove all found leftovers
- Click OK in the pop-up message to finish the removal.
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