How to Uninstall MiniTool Partition Wizard Free within 3 Steps
MiniTool Partition Wizard Free is a disk partition manager software developed by MiniTool Solution Ltd. to optimize disk usage and protect stored data. Its key features include converting disk partition table, changing file system, converting NTFS to FAT 32 without reformatting, recovering partition and rebuilt MBR, etc. Broadly speaking, it seems to be an useful app and gets many good user reviews on
Users may uninstall MiniTool Partition Wizard Free out of many reasons, such as it might not work as it used to be, or they just want to replace it with other similar app. If you run into any problems in uninstalling this program, here is a removal tutorial provided for your reference. You can uninstall MiniTool Partition Wizard Free by conventional means, or utilize our automatic tool (Any Shortcut to Remove MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Completely? Sure!) to save troubles in any program removal.