The Correct Way to Uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free
Zemana AntiLogger free is a program that offer protections to personal computer against hackers, secure the private information in your computer. However, it is still a freeware and the security feature is quite limited, if you are not satisfy with this program, please follow the below instruction to correctly uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free.
Uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free automatically
Technically speaking, using the default uninstaller of Zemana AntiLogger free from Start menu or Add/Remove program won’t be able to help you completely uninstall this program, the installation folder and part of its registry keys will still be left inside the computer even you perform the removal. The most recommended way to uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free is using professional uninstaller tool – Max Uninstaller, which is able to help you do the removal completely and automatically.
Check out the video demonstration here
Steps to remove Zemana AntiLogger free
- Download Max Uninstaller, install it in your computer with ease.
- Launch MU, select Zemana AntiLogger free in program list and click ‘Run Analysis’ button.
- After its done, click ‘Complete Uninstall’to start the default removal.
- Once the default removal is finished, click ‘Scan Leftovers’ button allow Max Uninstaller to scan over your computer and find out all the remains of WinGuard Pro.
- Click ‘Delete Leftovers’to remove all found leftovers
- Click OK in the pop-up message to finish the removal.
Manual solution to uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free
If you prefer to manual uninstall Zemana AntiLogger free without using third party tool, you can follow the below steps. (note: the below instruction only apply on the condition that Zemana AntiLogger free was installed correct and completely, if you ran into uninstall errors during the removal, we suggest using Max Uninstaller to do the job for you.)
Part 1:
- First, close the Zemana AntiLogger free if it is running.
- Right click on the icon at the system tray, click Exit.
- Click Yes in the pop-up window, do remember to make sure that the option ‘Continue keystroke protection when AntiLogger Free is not running’ stays uncheck.
- Click Start menu, go to Control Panel > Add/Remove program
- Select Zemana AntiLogger free in the program list, click Remove on the right side.
- Click Yes to confirm your action of removal.
- After a few second the removal will be finished, click Yes in the pop-up window.
Alternative: to activate the default uninstaller of Zemana AntiLogger free, you can also go to Start > Program > Zemana AntiLogger free > Uninstall AntiLogger free.
Part 2: Remove leftover manually
- Open up Run commend box by pressing Windows button and R key
- Type in regedit in the run window and hit Enter.
- Backup the registry from File > Export (optional)
- Navigate the registry branch tree to locate and delete the below registry entries and keys of Zemana AntiLogger free
HKU|S-1-5-21-299502267-287218729-1801674531-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache|C:\Program Files\Zemana AntiLogger Free\AntiLogger Free.exe
HKU|S-1-5-21-299502267-287218729-1801674531-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache|C:\Program Files\Zemana AntiLogger Free\unins000.exe
- Close registry editor and restart your computer.
- Congratulations! Now Zemana AntiLogger free has been thoroughly removed from your system.
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