How Do I Uninstall DeepBurner without Any Troubles?
For some reasons you may fail to uninstall DeepBurner in Windows. Our instructions will guide you through the correct removal process with step clearly explained, and you shall learn a lot after reading this page.
DeepBurner is a CD and DVD burning package. It removes the hassle of making autoruns, creating and printing your own labels and booklets. You can use it to burn data, copy disc, make backups, create photo albums, make ISO images and Video DVDs.
To completely uninstall DeepBurner or other programs, you shall perform every steps in order to avoid unwanted consequences.
How Do I Manually Uninstall DeepBurner in Windows?
Step 1. If possible, make sure DeepBurner is not running first.
Shut down the program from the System Tray in the bottom-right corner of your screen, and end every process associated with it in the Task Manager (Right-click the Taskbar and select Task Manger to open it). How to forcibly close a program that is not responding?
Step 2. Access the program list (Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs).
In the bottom-left corner of your screen, right-click the Start button, and select Programs and Features.
Step 3. Uninstall DeepBurner by activating its default uninstaller.
You’re brought to the Programs list. Double-click DeepBurner to activate its uninstall wizard.
Step 4. Let the built-in uninstall wizard finishes its job.
Confirm this removal and wait for the process to finish.
Step 5. Go to the Registry Editor.
Press and hold the Windows key + C on your keyboard to open the Charms, select Search, and enter “regedit” in the box to open the Registry Editor.
Step 6. Delete the vestiges to completely uninstall DeepBurner.
Before doing this, you can choose to Back Up the Registry in case of any mistakes that cause the permanent loss of your data. Then continue the removal:
On the navigator of Registry Editor window, click Edit > Find…, then enter “DeepBurner” to find the related file(s)/folder(s), right-click it(them) and select Delete.
Step 7. Restart your computer.
If you like, go back to the System Tray, Task Manager or Control Panel and check whether DeepBurner has been removed.
Any Better Solution to Uninstall DeepBurner?
If you ever did the removal in an incorrect way, you might not be able to reinstall it again or to complete uninstall it. That’s alright, because we got this – a professional tool to automatically make things right on your system. Totally check on this if you’re seeking for such a shortcut. Instruction:
1. After successful installation of Max Uninstaller > run it.
2. Find DeepBurner any of the three above-mentioned programs (And do the same to the rest) in the list of Step 1 > Select it and press Run Analysis on the left > Select all the shown items and press Complete Uninstall.
3. Wait until this part finishes and the below green Scan Leftovers button turns into green > Click on it to proceed with the removal > The registry keys will be presented > Select all of them and click Delete Leftovers.
Video Demonstration on How to Quickly Uninstall DeepBurner (Removal Example)
This way the program shall be gone for good. Since there are so many people that don’t want to or don’t know how to perform the conventional cleaning process, this would be a better choice for them to save much time. If you happen to be one of them, I believe you will like this trustworthy tool.
On this site, you can also search for the removal instructions of other programs you want to remove, and share them with your friends in need.
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In Case You Need This: 3 Alternatives to DeepBurner
After you uninstall DeepBurner on your PC, you might consider getting another similar tool to burn CDs. See if you’re going to take any of the following three:
ImgBurn is a lightweight CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray burning (39 languages). It supports a wide range of image file formats. It can burn Audio CDs from most file types supported via DirectShow/ACM. And you can use it to build DVD Video discs, HD DVD Video discs, and Blu-ray Video discs with ease.
This is a free application to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-ray and HD-DVDs. It also includes the feature to burn and create ISOs, as well as a multilanguage interface.
Brasero is an application to burn CD/DVD for the Gnome Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable you to create your discs easily, quickly.
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