Uninstall UpdateMyDrivers – Remove UpdateMyDrivers Thoroughly
Program description
UpdateMyDrivers is a program that help you to keep your system drivers up-to-date, make sure your computer runs at its optimal status. This program will scan every part of your computer, and then inform you which component has outdated drivers that need to be updated, simply click the ‘Update’ option, UpdateMyDrivers will automatically download and install the specific driver for you.
How to uninstall UpdateMyDrivers manually
In case you need to uninstall UpdateMyDrivers from your computer, here is the instruction for your reference to do the removal completely. Before performing the removal, do make sure to close UpdateMyDrivers first.
- Right click on the program icon in system tray, select Exit. (Or press Alt + Shift + Esc to open Task manager, and disable UpdateMyDrivers related process).
- Click Start, go to Control Panel > Add/Remove program.
- In the program list of Add/Remove program, locate UpdateMyDrivers, click Remove button behind the program name.
- Upon clicking the Remove button, the installAware Wizard will be activated, select Uninstall option and click Next button.
- Click Next button to continue the removal.
- After the removal completed, click Finish button.
Note: sometimes the UpdateMyDrivers installation package attaches some other freeware like MyPC BackUp, if you need to uninstall it as well, please refer to the instruction.
- Reach the Windows search function.
- Search for the keyword of UpdateMyDrivers and you will be able to find out some leftover files inside your computer.
- Remove them all.
- Press Windows button + R key to open Run window.
- Type in regedit in the Run box and press Enter.
- Navigate the registry editor, reach the folder of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\
- Delete the leftover registry key folder of SmartTweak.
- Reboot your computer after finish all these removal steps.
Note: Using registry editor could be risky, if you are not familiar with using it, I recommend you to backup the registry from File menu > Export option, and then carry on the leftover removal after the finishing backup.
Uninstall UpdateMyDrivers automatically
Have you ever tied of the tedious manual removal steps? Do you want a easier and faster solution that can help you uninstall UpdateMyDrivers or any other Windows applications? Well, Max Uninstaller can be the best solution to all these troubles and concerns. Within only a few clicks, Max Uninstaller will help you finishing the UpdateMyDrivers removal automatically and completely.
Max Uninstaller Howto use video demon
Removal steps of how to use Max Uninstaller to uninstall UpdateMyDrivers
- Download Max Uninstaller, install it in your computer with ease.
- Launch MU, select UpdateMyDrivers in program list and click ‘Run Analysis’ button.
- After its done, click ‘Complete Uninstall’to start the default removal.
- Once the default removal is finished, click ‘Scan Leftovers’ button allow Max Uninstaller to scan over your computer and find out all the remains of UpdateMyDrivers.
- Click ‘Delete Leftovers’to remove all found leftovers
- Click OK in the pop-up message to finish the removal.
Now you have successfully uninstalled UpdateMyDrivers from your computer!
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