How to Completely and Quickly Uninstall SpeedyPc PRO
SpeedyPc PRO is a program which is designed to Scan, repair, and optimize your desktop or desktop computer, it also helps to stop malware infections. Thought this program works good, sometimes you may need to uninstall SpeedyPc PRO from your computer. As the uninstall option of SpeedyPc PRO section does not appear in the All Program menu, you may need to uninstall it from Windows Control Panel. If you don’t know where to start, check out the below uninstall tutorial.
Uninstall SpeedyPc PRO from Control Panel.
- Close SpeedyPc PRO if it is running
- Go to Start > Control Panel.
- Click on Add/Remove program.
- Locate and select SpeedyPc PRO in the list.
- Click the Change/Remove button in the right side.
- In the pop-up dialog box, click “Uninstall” option.
- Wait for the uninstall progress to be complete and click “Close” button.
- Reboot your computer after the removal
Remove the program manually
Other than using the Add/Remove program, you can also remove SpeedyPc PRO by deleting all of of its components one by one. Here is the steps:
Step 1: Close SpeedyPc PRO if it is running and delete its icon on your desktop.
Step 2: Delete program installation folder
- Double click to open my computer
- Open the drive where you installed the program.
- Locate the installation folder of SpeedyPc PRO.
- Right click on the folder and select Delete option
- Go to desktop and open Windows Recycle Bin
- Right click on it and select Empty Recycle Bin.
Step 3: Remove SpeedyPc PRO from All Program
- Click Start button, go to All Program.
- Move your mouse pointer to SpeedyPc Software
- Right click on it and select delete
- Go to desktop and open Windows Recycle Bin
- Right click on it and select Empty Recycle Bin.
Step 4: Remove registry entries
- Click Start > Run
- Type regedit in the run box and hit OK button.
- Navigate the registry key branch with the “+” sign.
- Locate the folder of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software
- Find out the folder named SpeedyPC Software in the directory and right click to Delete it
- Locate the folder of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
- Find out the folder named SpeedyPC Software in the directory and right click to Delete it.
- Restart your computer after you done with the registry deletion.
Note: if you are not familiar with the operation of registry editor, it is possible that you delete the wrong registry keys and cause irreversible system problems, so it is suggested to backup the registry before you delete the required SpeedyPC pro registry keys. You can easily create a backup from File > Export menu. To restore the registry, simply go to File menu > Import, then select the the backup file and click Open.
Uninstall SpeedyPc PRO automatically with Max Uninstaller
If you want to save your time and energy, there is good tool to help you uninstall SpeedyPc PRO completely and quickly which is using Max Uninstaller, a professional software uninstaller that removes any unwanted program from your computer thoroughly, just watch the below demon video to see how easily it can help you get the removal done.
How to uninstall SpeedyPc PRO with Max Uninstaller – Video Demonstration
Step 1: Download Max Uninstaller here, install it in your computer.
Step 2:Open Max Uninstaller, select SpeedyPc PRO in the right hand list, then click “Run Analysis”
Step 3: After all program files/folders and associated registry entries are scanned out. Click “Complete Uninstall” to start the SpeedyPc PRO removal. Click “Yes” to confirm the action.
Step 4: Wait for the standard uninstall completed. Click “No” in the pop-up to restart your computer later. Click “Scan Leftovers”, and Max Uninstaller will conduct a full scan on your computer for program leftover.
Step 5: After the scan finish, click “Delete Leftovers” and “Yes” button to thoroughly remove all the leftovers.
Step 6: Max Uninstaller has now fully uninstalled SpeedyPc PRO related files and extensions. Click “OK” to finish, then reboot your system.
Registry Entries of SpeedyPC
SpeedyPC Software, an empty file folder, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data, C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch, 74.3 KB (76,152 bytes), 9.65 KB (9,882 bytes), 29.4 KB (30,154 bytes), 27.1 KB (27,834 bytes)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru\5603, 000 – speedypc
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs\SpeedyPC Software, Order – 08 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 82 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 0…
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs\SpeedyPC Software\“SPP”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICach, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\SpeedyPC.exe – SpeedyPC, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\SpeedyPCProInstaller.exe – “SPP” Installer, C:\Program Files\Common Files\speedypc software\UUS3\SpeedyPC_Update3.exe – Speed up your PC
To uninstall SpeedyPC Pro completely, you need to clean up the registry entries above. This may spend you much time to accomplish the removal. Why not use uninstall tool like Max Uninstaller to delete the invalid and fake registry entries of SpeedyPC Pro so that you have no need to run risky of getting system crashes because of miss deleting registry keys.
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